01 iunie 2009

Kangaroo MusiQue - cangurul electronic german

Norman Mitschele este cel care ţopăie în spatele cangurului muzical. Cam asta povesteşte el despre sine şi muzica sa... din păcate, nu am avut răgazul necesar traducerii, dar vă descurcaţi voi... :D

Music.. yes music.. i like listen to it... but i love to compose and play music on my own, because then i hear exactly that what i personally like most.Started with some few piano lessons as a child and a seven year enduring hate-love to my clarinet i started to use a computer to generate tones and sound. My first computer wich was able to play sound was an Schneider (Amstrad) CPC where SOUND-commands in BASIC could be used to obtain a few tones. The next step to the synthesizers was only a small one. As i have used hardware-synths before i now mostly use virtual synths (SoftSynths) on my computer. Saves spaces and nerves :-) With my move from Stuttgart to Dettingen an der Erms i stopped to make music with real synthesizers, cause there was no space for the hardware anymore. Now i think about to rebuild a small room in the celler to a "music-room" where i can run riot at ease. Over the years a lot of things originated wich are very nice, not really nice but although are enjoyable in some kind. I personally love all my pieces of music very much - otherwise i wouldn't have done them :-) Retrospective on my old tunes i see some enchancements - no matter in i wich direction. I always have composed music for myself - for relaxing and also for anger management :-) Sometimes with others, but mostly alone. There are several categories of my music and those you'll find here.

2 comentarii:

Soldatul Dorobant' spunea...

Cam ai mutra de cineclubit, da merge.
mai bine fa tu ceva -sucker- decat sa postezi clipurile altora.
Tu esti un fel de Grigore Dupa'ureche. Se vede ca n-ai scoala de fotografie -sau de imagine...

Dan spunea...

Mulţumesc la fel, răcanule Dorobant'!